This tax must be paid upon the purchase of a property by the buyer, prior to the completion.
The rate will vary on properties for habitational purposes, according to the purchase price.
For example, properties with a rateable tax value of over EUR 1m, a 7.5% rate will be applied.
The rate corresponds to 5% on rustic land and 6.5% on plots for building or other property types.
This rate includes the purchase of shares in companies that own real estate and, as of 2021, is applicable to the purchase of shares in corporations (“sociedade anónima – S.A.”).
A 10% rate is also applied to properties purchased (directly or indirectly) by offshore entities included on Portugal ́s blacklist.

it can vary between 0.3% to 0.45% depending on the council where the property is located.

AIMI, introduced in 2017, refers to the combined total rateable value of properties (VPT), including all the properties owned by an individual.
It is not applicable for properties valued under EUR 600,000. For values between EUR 600,000 and EUR 1 million, the AIMI is 0.7%
On values from EUR 1 million up to 2 million the tax corresponds to EUR 2,800 (which is 0.7% of EUR 400,000) plus 1% on the excess value of EUR 1 million.
On values above EUR 2 million the tax is EUR 2,800 (0.7% of EUR 400,000) plus 1% on the excess value of EUR 1 million up to 2 million plus 1.5% on the value in excess the 2 million.
Corporate owned properties are subject to an AIMI of 0.4% of the rateable value. In similarity to IMI, there is also a 7.5% rate applied to real estate owned by offshore entities which are included on Portugal ́s blacklist.

CGT also applies to resident companies, at rates that range between 21% and 31.5% (depending on the applicable State and municipal surcharges). A reinvestment relief regime can be potentially applicable, limiting the gains subject to tax (depending on certain criteria).
Depending on the specific holding of companies owning Portuguese real estate, Portuguese taxation on capital gains may or may not apply.
Sardo Luxury Real Estate can provide contacts for legal and tax advisors to provide specific assistance.
or construction of the property, or its first rateable value, whichever is the highest.
Invoices regarding certain refurbishments, taxes, notary and registration fees as well as real estate agency fees may offset the costs against this tax. If you are selling your main residence and you reinvest
the proceeds of the sale within the following 36 months in an EU/EEA territory, then you can avoid this tax.

A 0.8% stamp duty, based on the VPT, is calculated on gifts. Other inheritance or gift situations are subject to stamp duty at the rate of 10% of the VPT.

- 5% rustic land
- 6.5% plots for construction and others
- 7.5% properties for habitation
- 28% on the gain in Portugal for non-residents (Residents in Portugal are not taxed on 50% of their capital gain and the other 50% is added to their usual annual income tax return)
- 0.3% to 0.45%
- 0.8% rustic Land
- Up to EUR 600,000 – No AIMI tax
- EUR 600,000 to 1m – 0.7%
- EUR 1m to 2m – EUR 2,800 + 1% on the value above EUR 1m
- Above EUR 2m – EUR 2,800 + 1% on the value up to 2m + 1.5% on the value in excess of EUR 2m
- 0.8% stamp duty
- EUR 250 for registration fees
- Notary and lawyer fees will vary depending on the value of the purchase and complexity of the deal
- None
- Around EUR 250*

- No IMT for the purchase of shares in non-resident companies
- 6.5% for the purchase of shares in Portuguese companies that own Portuguese real estate (depends on certain criteria)
- 10% for acquisition by offshore entities (or entities controlled by them) included on the Portuguese blacklist
- 25% if the property is sold outside of the company
- 28% for UBO if the shares are sold; subject to the double treaty taxation between PT and country of residence of the UBO
- 0.3% to 0.45%
- 0.8% rustic land
- 7.5% for real estate held (directly or indirectly) by offshore entities included on Portugal ́s blacklist
- 0.7%
- 1% on tax value above EUR 1m
- 1.5% on tax value above EUR 2m
- 7.5% on properties held by offshore entities included on Portugal ́s blacklist
- No stamp duty
- No registration fees
- 1 to 2% legal fees
- EUR 1,500 – 4,500*
- EUR 550*